Periodontal treatment and procedures are used to manage patients with periodontal disease. Improper brushing, flossing and genetics can create “pockets” around your teeth and loosen your gums. When the gums become loose, bacteria can build up in these pockets. Once the bacteria have built up long enough, it can cause bone and gum loss. Therefore, treatment must be performed for this disease as soon as possible. This is an essential factor because periodontal disease cannot be cured but simply managed. If left untreated, it may result in the loss of teeth. Additionally, studies have shown that periodontal disease may be linked to other illnesses, such as diabetes, premature birth and heart disease.
Osseous Surgery
A surgical option for this disease consists of a 60-year-old trusted treatment called osseous surgery. Osseous surgery is also known as pocket reduction surgery. The main goal of this treatment is to reduce pocket depths, eliminate bacteria, and repair damaged bone. Treatment can be performed under local anesthetic or sedation. After cutting back the gums, the bacteria are removed from these gum pockets. Once the bacteria are completely removed, additional bone may be placed depending on the situation. Once sutured, post-operative instructions are given to take home. Following these post-operative instructions are essential to ensure proper healing. In addition, avoiding tobacco use and following good hygiene is imperative for your recovery. The significant side effects from this procedure tend to be root sensitivity and post-operative discomfort.
What Causes Receding Gums?
- Orthodontics
When teeth are shifted swiftly with braces or Invisalign, your tooth roots can be moved to an area with thinner bone, thus affecting your gums. This problem is more prevalent with the lower front teeth because, naturally, our gum tissue tends to be more delicate in this area.
- Genetics
Depending on your natural biotype, you may have an increased risk for gum recession. For instance, if naturally your gums and bone tend to be thicker, you are less likely to experience gum recessions than a person with a genetically thinner biotype.
- Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease affects not only the health of your gums but your bone levels as well. Both are a vital part of the health of your teeth, and if either is affected, it can dramatically increase the risk of tooth loss.
Why Fix Receding Gums
It is vital to fix receding gums for several reasons. First, when your gums recede, your bone begins to decrease as well. Since both gums and bones go hand in hand, your tooth’s stability is affected and can cause tooth loss. In addition, recession can cause tooth sensitivity to cold or hot temperatures increasing the discomfort experienced with the specific tooth. Finally, the crown portion of our teeth has enamel, and the roots of our teeth do not. This enamel is what protects our teeth against cavities, so when your gums recede, exposing the roots of your teeth, you have an increased risk for root cavities. Furthermore, root cavities are much more complex to fill than traditional crown cavities, increasing your risk of tooth loss. If you have questions about gum grafting in the Washington, DC area, schedule your visit with our team today!
Types of Gum Grafts
- 1. Donor Tissue Gum Graft (Alloderm)
- 2. Connective Tissue Grafting
- 3. Free Gingival Graft
Treatment for Receding Gums
Gum grafting is a procedure that places a graft over the problem area. Naturally, your gums will accept this tissue and regrow. However, this will decrease your sensitivity and increase the amount of gum surrounding the specific tooth. Gum grafting is a general procedure but must be done by a highly specialized doctor. A periodontist more commonly performs gum grafting due to the complexity of the treatment. Schedule a consultation with our team to discuss if a gum graft is the right course of action to repair your smile.
AlloDerm Gum Grafting
AlloDerm Gum Grafting is the most revolutionary treatment on the market for gum recession treatment. AlloDerm uses harvested human donor tissue to aid in a more painless gum graft surgery. AlloDerm is a safe FDA-approved product that has changed the lives of many patients.
AlloDerm Surgery
AlloDerm gum grafting surgery can be performed under local anesthesia, but it is more comfortable under sedation such as oral or intravenous. To begin, the surgical specialist will separate the gingiva or gums from the bone. This pocket-forming technique will allow the AlloDerm to fit snugly in the space provided. This bond will enable the AlloDerm to grow and remodel the treatment site. It is essential to keep in mind the goal of the surgery is to thicken the treatment area and restore blood flow to the site. Returned blood flow decreases the chances of further recession. Once the surgery is complete, the recovery process begins.
Benefits of AlloDerm
- Less Painful
- Faster Recovery
- More Teeth Can Be Grafted At Once
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