Guided Bone Regeneration in Washington, DC
When considering a dental implant, a sufficient volume of bone and gums are vital for the esthetic outcomes of implants and ensuring the implants integrate successfully. A regenerative procedure may be performed to reverse bone loss when the damage was done to the bone due to tooth loss years ago or trauma. In addition, certain defects in the adequacy of the bone available for implants may require a procedure called GBR or Guided Bone Regeneration. A significant amount of additional bone is added to the site during this procedure.
Guided Bone Regeneration Specialist
Guided Bone Regeneration can be performed under local anesthetic or sedation. Your surgeon will start by adding bone to the deficient area. This procedure also requires barrier membranes to help protect the bone from having the gums trying to heal into the bone growth area. Also, specific membranes are more protective and help stabilize the bone from moving during the healing process.
There are two options that surgeons typically use for membranes. First, a resorbable membrane or a non-resorbable membrane will be chosen. Resorbable membranes consist of collagen or pericardium. This means they resorb or don’t need to be removed, but they have an unpredictability of resorption time. The other membrane type is non-resorbable membranes such as Teflon or a titanium metal mesh. This type of membrane has its advantages of durability and protection to allow stability during the bone growth period. However, non-resorbable has the disadvantage of a higher risk of infection. Depending on the clinical situation, your provider will suggest which option is best for your specific outcome.
Post-Operative Instructions
You must follow your post-operative instructions carefully to ensure you do not experience any complications. They consist of making sure all your given antibiotics are taken so that no postoperative infections occur. Along with your antibiotics, pain medication will be given to help control not only the pain but also the swelling. Swelling after treatment is normal and can be partially controlled by ice packs and sleeping with your head elevated. Warm salt-water rinses are also needed to ensure the site stays clean of any debris or build-up. You will need to be seen for multiple post-operative appointments to ensure the site is healing well. If you follow these post-operative instructions, then your recovery should go smoothly. Don’t hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions regarding your post-operative instructions.